The Miraculous Journey Map
Explore significant locations in Gina Renee Hall's Murder & the journey

Locations of Note (Zoomed in Map)
- Abandoned Monte Carlo
- Gina's Shoe Found
- Large Rocks / Wooded Area in 1980
- Old Landfill
- Pine Tree Alley
- Red Door
- The RPD / Old Box Factory
- The Shed
- The Trestle
- Thrifty Parking Lot
- Clothes, Blue Towel, and Tools Found in Woods
Locations of Note (Zoomed in Map)
- 5 AM Monte Carlo Fast Driver
- Epperly's Favorite Hunting Spot / Sinkhole
- Hidden Ponf Off of Claytor Dam Road
- High Cliffs Above Dumpsite
- Island - Cadaver Dog Search
- The Butterfly Spot / Gina's Face
- The New River - Orange Stake
- The Shoals in New River
- Wilderness Road - Route 611 Bend
Locations of Note (Zoomed in Map)
- Claytor Dam
- Epperly's Sister's Home in 1980
- Hole in Fence Accessible in 1980
- Island in Claytor Lake Across from Lakehouse
- Old Quarry
- The Lake House

Contents Found: Purses
The contents of sisters’ shared wallet were found stacked under a brush pile, lightly covered with dirt. Dlana’s photographs and Gina’s I .D’s including her blood type/donor card.

3 AM Monte Carlo Slow Driver
The Hall car was witnessed pulling out from the lakehouse onto Claytor Dam Road in front of a motorcycle with two bass fisherman who became quickly agitated while following the slow moving Monte Carlo.

Farmer's Lead/Meadow Creek
In 2016, a farmer’s grandson reported to the Radford police that his family had held a secret since 1980. He stated his grandfather had witnessed what he believed to be two men dismembering a body in the creek. They were driving a white van. He believed it to be Gina Hall.

West View Cemetery Ingles Monument
In 1980 the renowned psychic Dorothy Allison worked with the police on many cases. The straight line north referenced in Allison’s notes shared with authorities crosses over not only the Epperly house but also this cemetery where “a famous person is buried” and “historical” and “Mary Ingles”...

St Albans Closed Sanatorium
St. Alban’s was founded and owned by the King family. Today, the closed sanitarium is touted as the most active haunt on the east coast and is a favorite amongst ghost hunters.

The Bluff
Epperly was spotted on a high bluff in this area in the day after he was released from jail on bond before the trial.

The Muck Place
A small pond-like area where Dlana captured the amazing picture in 2016 that is a clear message of the only truth that matters- The Message is in The Miracles!!

The Shrine in the Reed
Up above the muck place is a flat, reed covered area where a shrine can be found nailed on a large tree. An old 1980 map has an area marked with a cross about 25 ft from the shrine. The cross symbol on the map represents a grave that once was seen from the aerial mapping. The grave symbol disappeared from the maps after early 1980’s.

Dehart's Cabin - Peppers Ferry Road
DeHart’s wife stated to authorities in 1988 during the investigation of Jerry DeHart’s murder- “Jerry helped Epperly move the Hall girl’s body.”

Abandoned Monte Carlo
The Hall car was first noticed at 5 am Sunday morning June 29, 1980- trunk lid up. The Monte Carlo was found by Dlana’s friends helping her search for Gina—Monday, around noon, June 30, 1980. Police collected evidence from the car, and noted, most importantly, that the interior driver’s side door car pull was ripped off of the door.

Gina's Shoe Found
One of Gina’s shoes was found off the right edge of the trestle tracks on the Radford side down an embankment as if accidentally dropped.

Large Rocks/Wooded Area 1980
In 1980, the current Radford Police station was a Box Factory. Between the building and the train tracks were several large boulders in thick woods. There have been accounts of suits stories from different girls ... that Epperly would lure girls with a similar story.. asking them to go with him to get boxes to help him move.

Old Landfill
In 1980, the Radford police station was located on the edge of a landfill right out its back door. Today the landfill is a paved parking lot.

Pine Tree Alley
At the edge of the Epperly Homeplace is a row of pine trees that line an alley road which provides easy access to the Epperly property and a shed that sits in the yard’s corner.

Red Door
In 1980, what is now The Glencoe Museum, a two story brick mansion, was covered in thick brush, neglected and forgotten.
The Museum’s lawn has artwork displayed—a single, free-standing, red door.

The RPD / Old Box Factory
Today an old box factory is now the Radford Police Station. The box factory is also on Epperly’s path taken home as indicated by the tracker and his dog.

The Shed
A shed that was used by Epperly for hanging the deer he would kill as an avid hunter. Also served as a garage. The shed was easily accessible by a car from the pine tree lined alley.
The Epperly Homeplace

The Trestle
The trestle train tracks is believed to be Epperly’s path home from the abandoned Monte Carlo.

Thrifty Parking Lot
Epperly was reported to have been seen in the early Sunday morning hours crossing the thrifty parking lot around 5 am, headed to his home.

Clothes, Blue Towel, Tools Found in Woods
Gina’s bloodied clothes were found “bundled together” in a brushy area on July 19, 1980 in woods that had already been extensively searched on July 11 after a bloody blue towel was found in the same wooded area. The lab would later determine that the blue towel had had blood same type as Gina’s blood, similar hairs to Gina, and synthetic carpet fibers that matched the lake house rec room carpet downstairs where most of the blood was discovered.

5 AM Monte Carlo Fast Driver
A 90 degree bend at the intersection of Claytor Dam Road and Wilderness Road (rt 611) is where David Sauls reported that the fast driven Monte Carlo crossed over the lines running him off the road at 5 am.

Epperly's Favorite Hunting Spot/Sinkhole
Up the mountain- or down from the high cliffs, on property where Epperly frequently hunted, is a concave area indicative of a sinkhole with a small, deep cave— its opening blocked by a triangular moss covered rock.

Hidden Pond off of Clayton Dam Road
A forgotten pond ...but in 1980 a favorite campfire, beer drinking spot for locals.

High Cliffs above Dumpsite
Above the Butterfly Spot is an old trash dumpsite edged by high cliffs on property that sits between RT 611 and The New River- a favorite hunting spot of Epperly. In 1980, a road bordered the high cliffs leading to a place where trash was dumped from high above to a flat area below that bordered a remote section of The New River.

Island - Cadaver Dog Search
Island in The New River off of Rt 611 which became an area of focus for the Cadaver Dog Search ...twice... In 2016 as the entire river shore area was searched and once before by Lt. Wilburn after a TV show about the ghosts of St Albans provided the word Island.

The Butterfly Spot / Gina's Face
Dlana was told to watch for a Blue Butterfly as he day was planned to walk the shores of The New River. That day Dlana experienced her first miracle at what she calls the Butterfly spot- the place where the blue butterfly landed, flip flopped on its back, and a picture of that area captured the sunshine silhouette of her sister’s face glistening in the water.

The New River - Orange Stake
The Orange stakes captured Dlana’s attention as she kayaked The New River in 2016. The two remote orange stakes were the destination on the day of the Butterfly Miracle.

The Shoals in New River
A small rapid area in The New River where a rock ledge provides a shallow water walking path across the New River.

Wilderness Road - Route 611 Bend
Rt 611 off of Claytor Dam Road is an old road often referred to as The Wilderness Road or Rock Road. Long ago, Wagons would travel long the road to access the Ingles Ferry to cross the New River.

Claytor Dam
The old quarry’s deep, blue water was a favorite of locals. Surrounded by the quarry cliffs, easily accessible from the top.

Epperly's Sister's Home in 1980
It was known that Epperly’s sister was surprised and shaken when she can home from work on Monday June 30 in the late afternoon to find her brother sitting on her porch. He had been warned by his sister’s husband—brother in law —not to come near his sister. Epperly was not even a suspect in Gina’s murder yet. We had just found the abandoned Monte Carlo. What was Epperly doing there?

Hole in Fence Accessible in 1980
Locals all knew about the hole in the fence that provided a hole large enough for a car to drive through providing easy mobile access up the hill to the dam’s substation, a nearby cave, and the quarry’s cliff edge.

Island in Claytor Lake Across from Lakehouse
An island sits at the edge of a residential area of the lake that is directly across from the lakehouse where Gina was murdered. A boat was reported to have been heard crossing the lake, stopping, and then returning. A friend is Epperly lived here. Epperly was familiar with the area as he helped build a dock in the water. Also a relative of King lived in that same section across the lake.

Old Quarry

The Lake House
Epperly’s friend Bill “Skipper” King’s mother and stepfather’s home. The lakehouse was searched inside after Epperly failed the polygraph. Blood was found on two levels, mostly concentrated in the lower level utility room and rec room. Gina’s ankle bracelet was also found in the carpet at the foot of the circular stairs.
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